The circle in a variety of forms is often an important element within my work and this digitally engaging residency gave me the opportunity to review the circular form within my practice and to focus on it as a form of expression for new work. In the past I have played with circular peep-holes, created portals to ways of understanding and worked with bowls, domes and circular panels.
Recent work with film has focused on time and the circular, rhythmical movement of days passing.
Some thoughts...
...circling - pivot, centre, earth, moons, planets, movement, spin, rotate, suspension, air currents, plumb-line, compass, clock, time
... in the round - table, pizza, flan, cake, cup, saucer, bowl, plate, mat, portal, mirror, time
...rings - fingers, arms, legs, trunks, ripples, trees, stems, poles, growth-lines, sections, telescopes, eggs, seeds, banana, plum, time
...rolling - coins, balls, spheres, round and round, bell jars, arenas, tunnels, waves, pipes, time...